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Freelancer Form

Please complete the entire form to submit your information.

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Please add all relevant qualification information below. Without details of your qualifications, you may miss out on relevant work opportunities. Add additional qualications by clicking the "Add Qualification" button. Each group of qualifications selected should include an uploaded file or image as proof of the relevant qualification. DO NOT group qualifications that have different certification or you will not have the option to upload all required files.

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1. Engagement

·         Standard charging rates must be agreed when registering with Illuminate. Thirty days notice in writing must be given to Illuminate for any changes to standard charge rates.

·         Standard working days are 10 hours, after which extra hours are payable at the agreed rate. Working hours are based on departure from and return to the Illuminate warehouse. If travelling direct to site, working hours are based on arrival and departure time on site.

·         Terms must be agreed with your Illuminate contact for each engagement and a purchase order issued.


·         Freelance staff must be covered by their own liability insurance. A current copy of the liability insurance certificate should be submitted when registering with Illuminate. This should be updated as required.

3.Dress/ personal

·         Illuminate projects cover multiple event disciplines, and all crew are expected to arrive in appropriate clothing that will allow the work to be undertaken safely, comfortably and in accordance with Health and Safety regulations.

·         Illuminate supply branded clothing (hi-vis vests, t-shirts and fleeces) to all on site freelance staff. Please let your Illuminate contact know if clothing is required at time of engagement.

·         Freelancers must have suitable safety footwear, hi-vis vest/ jacket, hard hat and gloves when working for Illuminate.

·         Illuminate request that where possible all clothing should be black and have minimal branding. No competitors branding is allowed at any time. For indoor and/ or corporate projects alternative show clothing may be required.

4. Professional Conduct

·         The Company has developed strong customer and client relationships and are known for being friendly, reliable and efficient. When working for the Company you are the face of and an ambassador for us.

·         We expect a professional, respectable, helpful and polite attitude when representing the Company and speaking or working with customers, clients or their representatives. We expect you to act as a point of contact and point of expertise and advise on any technical, procedural or customer issues that may arise.

5. Intoxicating Substances

·         The company operates a zero-tolerance attitude towards the use or consumption of any intoxicating substances during working hours, such as alcohol, drugs or other substances.

·         The use of prescribed and ‘over the counter’ drugs, that may adversely affect your performance or behaviour, must be reported to a Line / Project Manager so that in the event of a reaction (or the requirement for you to use or operate heavy machinery) the medication may be taken into account.

·         Should you not adhere to these requirements you will be immediately asked to leave site / warehouse and your contract will be terminated.


·         Freelance staff are required to supply a copy of their driving license when registering with Illuminate and declare any penalty points or driving convictions.

·         If any penalty points or driving convictions are received, Illuminate should be informed as this information is required by the Illuminate insurance policy.

·         Drivers are responsible for all fines, including parking offences and congestion zone penalties and related costs. Where some types of parking fines are not avoidable due to nature of work required, confirmation must be made with your Illuminate contact that Illuminate will cover fines for that project.

·         In the case of vehicle damage or an accident, an Illuminate accident report form must be completed. Drivers may be liable for the excess payable or the full amount of any damage if driving dangerously or under the influence of drink or drugs.

7. Equipment

·         Illuminate and freelance staff must take care of all Illuminate and sub-hired equipment. When de rigging and packing away equipment, items should be returned in the correct flight cases.

·         Equipment is checked for loss and damage on return to Illuminate following a project, and Illuminate and freelance staff are accountable for the safe return of equipment on their jobs. Please notify your Illuminate contact if equipment is known to be broken or missing so that the appropriate action can be taken.

8. Travel Expenses

·         Travel expenses may be paid to freelance staff for travel from home directly to a site if agreed in advance with your Illuminate contact.

9. PD’s/Food Allowance

·         All PD’s/ food allowances must be agreed with your Illuminate contact and this will be added to your purchase order. This will need to be charged to Illuminate on your invoice (as a separate line) at the agreed rate.

·         PD’s/ food allowance are superseded by any onsite crew catering arrangements made by Illuminate or our client.

10. Health and Safety

Everyone on site has a responsibility to:

·         Work safely and to take care of their own safety and those personnel working alongside them. Everyone must be aware of and comply with any legal and Health & Safety regulations relating to their work and must wear appropriate safety clothing and equipment.

·         Familiarise themselves with the Illuminate H&S policy, and any event specific documentation such as risk assessments and method statements.

·         Attend the on site safety briefing before work commences.

11. Invoicing and Payment

·         When a job is booked with you, you will receive a provisional booking confirmation. A purchase order will follow confirming that booking.

·         All invoices and payment queries should be emailed directly to clearly stating the PO number.

·         Any invoices without a PO or not received within 60 days of the event will not be paid.

·         Any unauthorised costs not included on the original PO will not be paid.

·         Labour, PD’s and travel must be separate line items.

·         Invoices will be processed for payment within 30 day of invoice date, subject to no discrepancies or queries.

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